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Functions are a nice way to organize your code and make it reusable. We’ve already been using functions a lot in this class: print() is a function that’s built into Python, and forward() and right() are functions that are built into the Turtle library. This week you’ll start writing your own functions.



For the summary this week, think about what you’ve learned about functions, and whether anything else you’ve encountered outside of the class is similar.

Summary prompt: How would you describe what a function does, and what it’s for? How is a function different from a variable?


As per usual, your question can be one of three types:

  • Confusion: what didn’t you understand in the readings?
  • Curiousity: what do you want to know more about?
  • Connection: how does this topic connect to your own experiences?

Submit your summary+question on D2L under Quizzes before class starts on Tuesday.