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Course Introduction



When writing your summary of this week’s reading, think about what you now know about programming based on the readings and based on your own experiences. There’s probably a lot you don’t fully understand right now, and that’s okay! That’s why you’re in this class.

The summaries you write every week are a chance for you to reflect on what you’re learning in the class, and on how what you’re learning might relate to your life. Don’t just summarize what you’ve read; think about (and write about) how the readings connect to you.

Summaries should also be brief! Your summary should be at least 3 sentences and no more than one paragraph.

Summary prompt: Why might programming be useful for you to learn?


Normally, there won’t be a question prompt. But since this is the first week I want to know what specific questions you have about the course.

Question prompt: After reading the syllabus, what is a question or concern you have about this class?

Turn in

Turn in your summary + question by going to D2L -> Quizzes. This is Week 1. Please turn it in before class starts on Wednesday, January 15. Caitlin will read them all before class starts and answer the most pressing questions at the beginning of class.